⛈️More Than Robots #6 / June 2018

Rain almost stopped play this month as the bookmarking service I use unexpectedly shut off access to the EU because of GDPR. However, whilst not quite a 'worthy crisis', the stopping of the machine did help me rediscover some older things and explore some new horizons. Every cloud has a silver lining...

Share and shout

Please share with your colleagues, loose acquaintances, friends and enemies and let them know they are all welcome to sign up and join in

If you have something to shout about please email me or find me on twitter

Digital Participation Summer Meet Up / July 6 / London CLC

Speakers include: Tris Lumley of NPC, NSPCC, Revealing Reality and Parent Zone
We will also have an 'open mic' session for anyone to share updates and ask for help
There are not many places left - save your place now


Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018 (USA)
YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat are the most popular online platforms among teens. 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% say they are online 'almost constantly'

Stability Index for children in care
Almost 2,400 children changed home, school and social worker over the last twelve months

Internet Trends 2018
294 slides on the latest trends and stats on all things digital
This summary highlights the top 20 key takeaways

The top 5 kids trends so far in 2018
Survey of PopJam users to reveal what’s been trending with children. SPOILERS: Fortnite and the Floss are HUGE

Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2018
National survey on Basic Digital Skills, inclusion and money management attitudes

Eurovision 2018 Technical Breakdown
Fascinating list of all of the technical and creative backstage work that goes into producing Eurovision - 12 points


Behaviour Change Strategy Cards - Artefact Group
To help you think through 'strategies to nudge people toward positive behavioral outcomes'

Digital Youth Mental Health Toolkit - Ayemind
To assist youth workers, when using digital approaches in youth mental health

QuantifyMe - MIT
A framework for software/services that allow people to 'find their personal optimal behavioral variables (e.g., bed time or physical activity) to achieve their goals (e.g., productivity or happiness) based on evidence-based experimentation' - Read more about the research

Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC)
To assist researchers to 'understand, plan and conduct ethical research involving children and young people in any geographical, social, cultural or methodological context'

Art as Social Action
An introduction to the principles and practices of teaching social practice art

Inspiration and opinion

Six or seven things social media can do for democracy
'If our response to the shortcomings of contemporary social media is to move beyond the idea that we should burn it all down, it’s critical that we ask what social media can do for democracy'

The complexity of internet safety
'While there is a plethora of road safety-inspired campaigns hoping to give children a simple set of instructions, the difficulty is that learning to flourish in a digital world requires a great deal more than a simple set of skills'

Value beyond money
'If we simply accept that the test of our worth is to do whatever it takes to survive in a financial Hunger Games, we sell ourselves short and devalue our currency'

Mental Health: Awareness for all?
'Whilst improvements have been made around the image of depression and anxiety other forms of mental illness are still not as commonly discussed or understood'

Civil Obedience -  an essay by Anushka Agarwal, age 16
'The goal of civil disobedience is to make others uncomfortable. Discomfort brings change. Change from our parents’ generation to ours'

...and finally
It may be impossible to predict the future but some people have a great gift for imagining it

More or less?

This is all still an experiment - it would be really good to get your feedback or ideas on how to improve. Please drop me a line or message me on twitter

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Jamie Larson