🍂More Than Robots #10 / October 2018

And so, we find ourselves falling into the 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'.
To fend off the twilight here is a bumper harvest of ideas and some scary stories for modern times...

If you have something to shriek about please email me or haunt me on twitter

Autumn Meet Up / Save your place!

Registration is now open for the Digital Participation Autumn Meet Up on Friday, 16th November, kindly hosted by Media Smart.
Speakers include BBC School Report, The Children's Society and ArtUK - with more to be confirmed.
The event is FREE but places are very limited and demand is usually high

Save your place now

Do you want to speak?
If you would like to share something at the meetup or have any questions please contact me as soon as possible.


The new normal: Parents teens and mobile devices / Common Sense Media
20% of parents say they argue about their teen’s device use daily / 86% of parents feel their teen’s use of mobile devices has made no difference or has even helped in their relationship / Commentary by Prof. Sonia Livingstone

Associations between 24-hour movement behaviours and global cognition  / University of British Columbia
At least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, nine to 11 hours of sleep a night, and no more than two hours a day of recreational screen time were tied to higher mental test scores / Commentary by NYTimes

Challenges and Strategies of People with Dyslexia on Social Media / Facebook
Participants found writing on Facebook to be a bigger challenge than reading

Plugged In: Social action on social media / Demos
55% of young people in the UK believe social media makes positive offline change more likely to happen

Understanding grooming discourse in computer-mediated environments / Swansea University
Building trust discursively is paramount to groomers’ aims in the online environment and it is realised via a range of communicative processes and strategies that include testing victims’ compliance, desensitising and isolating them / Summary of report findings


A new platform for children in care and care leavers to share stories and campaigns

The periodic table of digital resilience
Downloadable poster of all the elements that create digital resilience

Digital literacy frameworks
A handy collection of all the many varied frameworks for digital skills and literacy

Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day (SID) will take place on Tuesday, 5 February 2019. The campaign slogan is "Together for a better internet"

Inspiration and opinion

Why the arts matter in our education system
'These aren’t woolly soft subjects. They are what make us distinctively human. And they should be a birthright for every child from every background'  

Neuroscience is unlocking mysteries of the teenage brain
'The sooner we understand the difference between adolescents, the sooner we can integrate this information into schools and policy'

Machine learning — Is the emperor wearing clothes?
'If you were expecting magic, well, the sooner you’re disappointed, the better. The death of superstitious excitement for sci-fi makes way for rebirth'

How do people become good managers of their own health?
'In healthcare,​ we measure what matters. What the patient brings to the care process may be the most important element of all'

One Weird Trick and You’ll Understand Social Change
'Markets, voting systems, and social networks all seem blind to our needs for adventurous lives, for community, for meaning, and for love'

...and finally
'Austerity' is over - apparently. No more squatting for tickets or getting tattoed for pizza... but we may still be climbing for dollars

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Jamie Larson