🎭 More Than Robots #18 / June 2019

One root of 'June' is the Latin word iuniores, meaning "younger ones". This seems fitting for a month that is filled with magic and romance. So, despite the appearance of Bottom like characters on our stage, here are some things that we can still sing, dance and freak out about...

📣 More Than Robots Meet Up / June 7

The next digital participation meet up will be on Friday 7th June, very kindly hosted by BBFC. There are very few spaces left... SAVE YOUR PLACE NOW

📖 Research

Online Nation / Ofcom
23% of 12-15-year-olds reported experiencing bullying, abusive behaviour or threats online / 35% of the total time spent online in the UK is on sites owned by Google or Facebook /  Working-age adults in DE socio-economic group1 households are more than three times as likely as those in non-DE households to be non-users of the internet

Associations between loot box use, problematic gaming and gambling / UBC
The majority of video game players have used Loot Boxes. Risky Loot Box use correlated moderately with gambling-related measures. Further reading / Skin Gambling

Laughing is Scary, but Farting is Cute / University of Washington
The creepy signals from technology the children described include: deception, lack of control, mimicry, ominous physical appearance, and unpredictability

Fact sheet: differences between LGBTQ and straight youth in their use of social media, online health resources / Susanna Fox / Hopelab
98% of young people who identify as LGB have gone online to find information about health issues, compared to 86% of those who identify as straight

📎 Resources

5 Minute Guide: Should Our Charity Build a Mobile App?
[Spoiler alert] probably not

360-degree immersive learning
VR videos and apps that recreate social work visits

Digital Youth Work
Toolkits and training materials to help 'deliver high-quality youth work in a digital age'

Camouflage from face detection
CV Dazzle explores how fashion can be used as camouflage from face-detection technology

💬 Inspiration and opinion

In My life
'The life of a teenager, from their perspective. These photographs by 13-15-year-olds capture or represent the important things, people and/or places in their lives'

Rearing an Absolute Unit
'Just how did a small Berkshire museum gain an international following?'

The Devastating Consequences of Being Poor in the Digital Age
'When those who influence policy and technology design have a lower perception of privacy risk themselves, it contributes to a lack of investment in the kind of safeguards and protections that vulnerable communities both want and urgently need'

Telephone mania
'An unmistakeable symptom of the disease is a desire to talk to people at distant points about all sorts of things at all hours of the day or night'

...and finally
If you are as old as I am, you may have once 'hacked' the computers in WH Smiths with a bit of  Basic 20 Goto 10... but today's teens can take such petty web vandalism to new heights

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Jamie Larson