📈 More Than Robots / #52 April 2022

📖 Research

33% of parents of 5-7s said their child had a social media profile, and 60% of 8-11s said they had one.

36% of 8-17s who gamed online played with people they didn’t know and 16% chatted to people they didn’t know, via the messaging/ chat functions in games

Eight in ten children aged 13-17 used online services to find support for their wellbeing; both Google search and online videos used for sleep, relaxation and good mood emerged as key sources for support among children

We found that children and young people are not as visible in official statistics as they should be. Importantly, many national statistical surveys do not include young people under the age of 16

'Females reporting very high social media use scored substantially lower on life satisfaction than males. Specifically, for females, we observed a window of sensitivity to social media between the ages of 11 and 13, when increases in estimated social media use from expected levels predicted a decrease in life satisfaction ratings from expected levels one year later'

Children and young people's every day experiences of sexual abuse, exploitation and risk online, their coping strategies and opportunities for change

Children call for digital features that better support their exercise of agency and identity formation through social and imaginative play.

Adolescents with mental health problems tend to go online for help, seeking either informal support or formal professional help. Those who seek such help online are more likely to be in a state of distress... suggesting that the digital environment can offer more immediate support to those who feel they have nowhere else to turn

📎 Resources

Everything you need to engage pupils, parents and carers around computer science and coding

Videos for 4-8 year olds to develop emotional intelligence - now available in Ukrainian

Every contribution tells a story about how children (and their adults) have been playing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Interactive online security resources for 7 - 11 year olds.

💬 Inspiration and opinion

Barbara Campbell was walking through a New York City subway station during rush hour when her world abruptly went dark.

As governments around the world are turning to algorithms and AI to automate their systems, the Dutch scandal shows just how utterly devastating automated systems can be without the right safeguards.

It’s not clear exactly when the hotline started, or by whom, but it was probably sometime in 1981 when Swedish teenagers discovered they could hack the phone system

...and finally

If you've not already had your fill of stats and facts this thread may be the sticky toffee pudding you're looking for

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Jamie Larson