🗳More Than Robots #77 May 2024

"Deeds not words" As the race for our vote hots up around the world here are some reports, tools and ideas that might swing you.

"Deeds not words"

As the race for our vote hots up around the world here are some reports, tools and ideas that might swing you.

📖 Research

Children and Parents: media use and attitudes report 2024

Sixteen-and seventeen-year-olds are less sure of their ability to distinguish the real from the fake online than they were last year See also Children's media lives

Social Isolation and Online Relationship-Risk Encounters among Adolescents with Special Educational Needs

The digitalskills of a young person with SEN may be vastly underestimated and parents may be unaware of how adept their child is at using technology.

A Culture of Ethical AI: Report

Any discussion about responsible AI and children must consider that there is no such thing as a "universal" childhood or youth experience.

Understanding experiences of minority beliefs on online communication platforms

The availability of eye-witness testimony and video footage on online communications platforms had a particular power for many of the participants.

The Big Ambition: Ambitions, Findings and Solutions

Platforms [should] provide adequate and accessible links to tools, information and advice for parents, children, and teachers.

🧰 Resources

UN General Comments/Recommendations

Interactive database of General Comments/Recommendations from key UN treaty bodies like CCPR, CESCR, CEDAW, and CRC

The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development

A series of instructional zines that aim to empower more people, especially from fandom spaces, to create the internet they want.

Financially motivated sexual extortion: an alert for education settings

The National Crime Agency has issued an alert to UK education settings to help recognize, prevent, and support victims. See also Report Remove

The Disinformation Challenge

An interactive computer game designed with exercises that encourage users to enhance their critical thinking skills

Three minutes through the eyes of a child

Realistic mock-ups of four children's TikTok ‘For You’ feeds.

💡Inspiration and opinion

The Money Trap: Parenting, children and money

Amongst a plethora of challenges, the digital nature of money stands out as something that has introduced a level of complexity that parents find difficult to manage.

When buying sexual services becomes normal: profit and loss

Like all pervasive cultural norms, it is a sea in which we swim whose water we are generally oblivious to.

Struggling with a Moral Panic Once Again

I wish I could believe that eliminating tech would make everything hunky dory.

…and finally

The most stylish takedown of the manosphere ever

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Jamie Larson